Gabriel Gallego

Hi, I’m Gabriel. I’m a designer at Primate which means I work with Steve to undertake all of our design work, mainly digital but occasionally involving print, brand, and advertising as well. I’m also an illustrator and harness a variety of illustration and drawing styles.

I moved to the UK from Spain in 2017 to find a good, challenging design job and I feel like I found that at Primate. Our approach is refreshing, combining user-centered design thinking with a progressive, hungry attitude. Since I was young, it was my dream to make a living from design and now I’m finally getting the chance to do just that.

Aside from design, my other big passion is football. I’m Spanish after all. If I wasn’t a designer, I’d be spending my days watching football. Or playing football. Or playing video games. Or playing video games about football. Some might call it an obsession, but then they know nothing about football.

Interesting fact about me. I can draw with both hands but it’s always my left hand that I use to draw anything abstract.

A famed footballer, this Bonobo was awarded a spot on the national Spanish team after invading a pitch to tackle Lionel Messi when he mistook the football for a delicious coconut.

Initially, the Spanish team shaved Gabriel before matches in order to try and pass him off as human. But after his accidental discovery is an incident only referred to as “The San Sebastian Slippery Shower Shenanigans”, he has now been accepted across the globe as the first ever simian footballer.

A wily rascal, this Bonobo is as ambitious as he is talented. He vows to be the first monkey to participate in the World Cup.