Gordon McLachlan
Managing Director

I co-founded Primate in 2011 with two guys who I’m happy to call my friends, Bart and Espen. We’ve worked hard to get to where we are. We’ve created an environment that lets us enjoy our work and have balanced, rewarding lives. There’re not many companies that can say that. We’re proud of what we do and how we do it.

I’m always trying to improve our performance, our ways of working, and I see myself as being ulimtately responsible for the success (or failure) of all our projects. From the initial brainstorming to final delivery, I work closely with our clients to guide the project vision.

Along with Monica and Rebecca, I make sure things happen when they’re meant to and that we deliver exactly what we promised. I have a lot of patience, it helps. I'm also completely unemployable now so I need to make sure we succeed.

I specialise in strategy and helping our clients interpret and realise their online business goals.

Mild mannered, strong of will, and occasionally slumbersome, this gorilla feels a deep love and responsibility for his fellow apes.

Loyal and resolute, with a strong sense of commitment, Gordon has vowed to guide his primate companions on their journey to world domination - stopping for appropriate naps along the way.

When not marking his territory or pounding his chest triumphantly, this gorilla can be found snoozing contently in the trees.


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