Steve Brown
Creative Director

Hi, I’m Steve, Primate’s Creative Director. I’m responsible for overseeing the design side of all our work, ensuring its creativity, high quality, and ambition. It’s important that we continually push ourselves and our clients, never becoming complacent in a medium that’s constantly evolving.

I took over the role of Creative Director from Espen in 2018 and have been with Primate since 2013. Having been with the company for so long has not only given me a unique understanding of our values and culture, but also allowed me to help shape the business. We’ve changed a lot since we started and I’m proud to have played such a key role in our journey so far.

Challenge is at the heart of everything we do. Design isn’t purely about solving problems but also about a clarity of vision. Although difficult, we have to resist the temptation to just follow the predictable status quo. Balancing that with objective based user-centered thinking is key, though.

Contrary to popular belief, I've never seen the film Saving Private Ryan.

Cold and emotionless, this scarred and weary gibbon sees poor design not as an opportunity for improvement but as a disease that must be eradicated whatever the costs.

Rumoured to have been sent back in time from a post-apocalyptic wildlife park, Steve has vowed to spread the glories of user-centered design to every corner of the Earth.

“He’s more designer than monkey now. He’s twisted and evil.” - Espen Kenobi